So Know This
So Know This
Why is Bill Gates thinking of a dramatic slow down in business travel; and, why are real estate prices jumping? Is there a connection?

Why is Bill Gates thinking of a dramatic slow down in business travel; and, why are real estate prices jumping? Is there a connection?

In tonight's episode of Business News You Can Use:

Microsoft founder Bill Gates says that he expects business travel to slow down dramatically.

SKU provides some analysis and looks at the reasons why local real estate prices and commercial rates go up when a more educated workforce enters a region. #SoKnowThis

So Know This
So Know This
Let's make sense of the world of money. It's not tough, we just need to understand how it moves!
Global Macro is a way of thinking. Let's tackle this money monster &
let's have fun. We'll cover: ECONOMY --> POLITICS --> MARKETS --> MONEY ---> YOU